packed with love
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1,000+ 5 Star Reviews
"FixDerm" — тонкая, гибкая, прозрачная медицинская повязка, водостойкая и легко надевается на любое место на теле.
Повязка обеспечивает среду, свободную от внешних загрязнений, обогащает татуировку влагой и имеет решающее значение для процесса заживления татуировки в течение 24–48 часов.
Повязка дышит и пропускает избыточную влагу. пар из татуировки. Этот процесс помогает здоровому заживлению.
Повязка также служит антибактериальным барьером, который предотвращает трение об одежду и окружающую среду, защищая область татуировки от патогенов.
Это лучший первый шаг в лечении татуировки
Как использовать:
Восстанавливающую повязку следует оставлять не более чем на 3 дня.
Через 3 дня осторожно снимите восстановительную повязку под струей теплой воды
Обратите внимание, что в течение 3 дней восстановления с использованием повязки «Fixderm» края m ай отклеить. Это естественный процесс повязки, пожалуйста, продолжайте процесс удаления в соответствии с инструкциями.
"Fixderm" предназначен только для профессионального использования (тату-мастера).
Для здорового и окончательного процесса восстановления мы рекомендуем продолжать лечение с использованием:
«Натуральная пена» — для получения дополнительной информации и покупки нажмите здесь
Уход за восстановлением, такой как "Ink Butter" - Для получения дополнительной информации нажмите здесь
Или "Ink Cream" Для получения дополнительной информации и покупки нажмите здесь
"Фиксдерм" размеры 15 см на 10 метров
Вода Soafix является наиболее гигиеничной для очищения, восстановления и глубокого питания кожи.
Специальная технология, позволяющая легко очищать даже интенсивные темные пигменты
Вода уменьшает покраснения и увлажняет кожу
Подходит для чувствительной кожи
*** Без парабенов *** Без парафина *** Без SLS ***
Как использовать
Перед использованием воду Soafix следует смешать с дистиллированной водой в пропорции 1:10
Продукт предназначен для профессионального использования только
Вода (AQUA), лауретсульфосукцинат динатрия, глицерин, полисорбат-20, пропиленгликоль, экстракт календулы лекарственной (цветки), токоферилацетат, D-пантенол, DMDM-H, Maris Sal (Мертвое море), отдушка , ЭДТА динатрий, экстракт алоэ барбаденсис, бензилсалицилат цитраль, лилиал, линаллол.
Флакон 400 мл
Our company offers various payment choices for your convenience - Cash accepted only in-store, Credit card up to 5 payments, PayPal, Bank transfer instructions provided via email.
Shipping & Return Policy
Shipping & Return Policy
Order Confirmation
- You`ll get an email with your order number right after placing your order
Processing Timeline
- We`ll process your order withing 3 business days
Shipping Updates
Once your order ships (whether registered mail or by courier) you`ll receive
- A tracking number
- A link to the shipping company`s website
- Ability to check your delivery status anytime
Registered Mail
- Cost : 21 nis
- Available for orders over 250 nis
Courier Delivery
- Home/Business Delivery
- Cost : 50 nis
- Free delivery - spend 800 nis or more and the free delivery will be automatically applied at checkout
Pickup Option
- Self-collection available at: Yezira 19, Rehovot
International Deliveries : Regrettably, at this time, we do not offer this service
Delivery time frame
• Domestic Orders:
- Next- or Same day delivery available via Getexi - ask us about this option
- Between 3- 7 business days for different areas
- Note: Weekends and holidays not included
Courier operation details
• Operating Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
• Delivery Process:
- Courier will send a message before arrival
- If you're not available, they'll attempt delivery the next day
Delivery options
• If you won't be home, you can:
- Authorize the courier to leave the package at your door
- Request placement in the electrical cabinet
- Warning: The company is not responsible for packages left outside
• Provide a delivery address where someone is available during daytime hours
• Consider your availability during the 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM delivery window
Contact our Customer Service team through:
- Email:
- Phone: +972.54.8931893
Our team can help you with:
• Updating shipping details
• Tracking your order
• Courier arrival information
• Any other shipping-related changes
Please note: Contact us as soon as possible after placing your order to ensure we can process your address change before shipment.
• 14 business days from delivery date
Eligible items must be
• Unused
• Original labels attached
• In original packaging
• Never tested (including finger touch or back-of-hand application)
Special warranty for equipment
• Tattoo machines and power supplies come with manufacturer warranty
• Keep your warranty certificate with model number
• For equipment issues during warranty period:
- Contact manufacturer directly
- Follow their repair/replacement instructions
Return process
• Free shipping within 14 days of delivery
• Return options:
- By courier
- Via Israel Post (allow up to 14 extra business days)
- At head office in person
Steps after return
1. Tattoo Fix Care team inspects returned items
2. You'll receive email confirmation
3. Refund processed to original payment method
Packaging tips
• Use original box/bag when possible
• Ensure items are properly protected
Order Confirmation
- You`ll get an email with your order number right after placing your order
Processing Timeline
- We`ll process your order withing 3 business days
Shipping Updates
Once your order ships (whether registered mail or by courier) you`ll receive- A tracking number
- A link to the shipping company`s website
- Ability to check your delivery status anytime
- Cost : 21 nis
- Available for orders over 250 nis
Courier Delivery
- Home/Business Delivery
- Cost : 50 nis
- Free delivery - spend 800 nis or more and the free delivery will be automatically applied at checkout
Pickup Option
- Self-collection available at: Yezira 19, Rehovot
International Deliveries : Regrettably, at this time, we do not offer this service
Delivery time frame
• Domestic Orders:
- Next- or Same day delivery available via Getexi - ask us about this option
- Between 3- 7 business days for different areas
- Note: Weekends and holidays not included
Courier operation details
• Operating Hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
• Delivery Process:
- Courier will send a message before arrival
- If you're not available, they'll attempt delivery the next day
Delivery options
• If you won't be home, you can:
- Authorize the courier to leave the package at your door
- Request placement in the electrical cabinet
- Warning: The company is not responsible for packages left outside
• Provide a delivery address where someone is available during daytime hours
• Consider your availability during the 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM delivery window
Contact our Customer Service team through:
- Email:
- Phone: +972.54.8931893
Our team can help you with:
• Updating shipping details
• Tracking your order
• Courier arrival information
• Any other shipping-related changes
Please note: Contact us as soon as possible after placing your order to ensure we can process your address change before shipment.
• 14 business days from delivery date
Eligible items must be
• Unused
• Original labels attached
• In original packaging
• Never tested (including finger touch or back-of-hand application)
Special warranty for equipment
• Tattoo machines and power supplies come with manufacturer warranty
• Keep your warranty certificate with model number
• For equipment issues during warranty period:
- Contact manufacturer directly
- Follow their repair/replacement instructions
Return process
• Free shipping within 14 days of delivery
• Return options:
- By courier
- Via Israel Post (allow up to 14 extra business days)
- At head office in person
Steps after return
1. Tattoo Fix Care team inspects returned items
2. You'll receive email confirmation
3. Refund processed to original payment method
Packaging tips
• Use original box/bag when possible
• Ensure items are properly protected
Contact Us
Contact Us
Have any questions?
Lets get social
- unbox your package
- post on social media
- tag @tattoofixcare
- sharing is caring
Can’t find what you need?
Contact our Customer Service Team
Hayezira, 19, Rehovot , Israel
- Find us on Facebook
- Find us on Instagram
Sunday — Thursday , 9am — 4pm ET
Blog posts
Let's Collaborate - Collaboration Opportunities for Tattoo, Piercing, and Permanent Makeup Artists
Our brand believes strongly in the value of collaboration.We are eager to work with a variety of tattoo, piercing, and permanent makeup...
Your skin matters
Your skin matters, especially if you have tattoos. Your skin is not just a superficial covering - it's your body's...
Маленькие помощники художников
Эдгар Дега сказал: «Рисовать легко, когда не умеешь, но очень трудно, когда умеешь» Как татуировщики, вы не имеете права на...